Here are some general suggestions for addressing any promo issues you may be experiencing.
For specific information about the most recent promo, please review the terms and conditions provided for that promo - Memorial Day Sitewide 30% Off Sales.
- Some promos are for specific products, so if you try to apply the promo to a product not included, the promo offer will not be applied to it.
- Some promos require you to buy specific amounts in order to to use the promo, so check to see if you add the correct amount to your cart.
- All of our promos are a limited availability and if you do not submit your order during that timeframe, you will not receive the promotion.
Combining Discounts/Promos
- All promos cannot be combined with any other discounts. Only one at a time may be applied to your order.
If you have any questions on this, please contact Customer Service, and we will be happy to follow up with you.